Sao Feng, pirate lord of the South China Sea and residing in Singapore, possesses a map to World’s End, the gateway to Davy Jones’ Locker, where Jack is eternally imprisoned. Captain Barbossa leads Will, Elizabeth, Tia Dalma and Black Pearl crewmen to rescue Jack. However, Captain Jack Sparrow, pirate lord of the Caribbean, never appointed his successor, and therefore must attend. Condemned prisoners defiantly sing a song to summon the nine pirate lords comprising the (fourth) Brethren Court to convene at Shipwreck Cove and take action against Beckett. Beckett, who now possesses Davy Jones’s heart, orders Jones to destroy all pirate ships. To increase his and the East India Trading Company’s power in the Caribbean, Lord Cutler Beckett executes anyone, including women and children, suspected of or remotely associated with piracy.